In May 25, 2012, when AFRICA - via South Africa and partners - won the bid to host the Lion's share of the Square Kilometre Area (SKA), an historical ripple was sent into the records of the history of our scientific achievements, as a continent. For the fist time over the past 100 years and potentially more, AFRICA will host not only a science Nobel Prize winning machine but also a formidable platform that will trigger a multitude of initiatives at the interface of several scientific disciplines. Discoveries and/or consolidation of (forgotten) evidences are naturally bound to be achieved. Already, we foresee by 2020, AFRICA playing a leading role in unveiling and key aspects of the Dark Universe. Either on the Dark Energy and/or the Dark Matter component. Aspects bound to pay a foundational role in how we make Life better here for us in AFRICA and Mankind. A node in this will stand strong in Central Africa, with one of its pillars firmly anchored in the Kongo-Ogooue Bassin, our Lung. Already the nation has poured some of its wealth into setting up an Earth Observation Agency (AGEOS) endowed with a functioning 7.5 m ground station for satellite image acquisition. The station has a radius of action of ~ 3000 km centered on Nkok (Gabon).
---- What does a Lung do? It re-energetizes the body. What a symbolism!
Next Bang: Around the time of the September 1, 2016 annular solar eclipse, once more visible from Gabon and other parts of MIGHTY AFRICA.
To join: Interact!
---- What does a Lung do? It re-energetizes the body. What a symbolism!
Next Bang: Around the time of the September 1, 2016 annular solar eclipse, once more visible from Gabon and other parts of MIGHTY AFRICA.
To join: Interact!